CNRS Research Director

Exploratory methodology for organic and organometallic synthesis team


Julien Legros (PhD 2002 with Drs Bégué and Bonnet-Delpon at University Paris South, then Alexander von Humboldt fellow with Prof. Bolm at RWTH Aachen), is currently CNRS Research Director at the University of Rouen Normandy (France) and head of the CNRS French Network on Flow Chemistry (GDR Synth Flux). Group leader of the “MESOO” research team within the COBRA laboratory in Rouen, his research is oriented toward the use of alternative reactors, namely hyperbaric reactors and miniaturized continuous flow reactors for the detoxification of chemical warfare agents, the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients and methodological development in organic and organometallic chemistry. He has been CNRS coordinator for the European France(Channel)England program INTERREG Turning Laboratories into Factories (LabFact) and Smart Textiles (SmartT).


  • Flow chemistry
  • High pressure
  • Neutralisation of chemical warfare agents
  • Organolithium chemistry


88 publications, 7 books/book chapters, 1 patent, 38 invited lectures