Ludovic JEAN

Associate professor

Chemistry bio-organic team


Assistant professor at COBRA laboratory in Rouen, Ludovic Jean received his PhD at the University of Caen-Normandy in 2004 under the supervision of Pr. Marie-Claire Lasne. After postdoctoral research positions at ICSN at Gif-sur-Yvette with Prof. Angela Marinetti (2005-2006), in the research group of Pr. Aloïs Fürstner at the Max-Planck-Institute (2006-2007), he has obtained a permanent position in 2008 at the Université de Rouen. His current research fields in medicinal chemistry include the development of multi-target-directed ligands for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, cholinesterase inhibitors, cholinesterases reactivators and organic chemistry


  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Multi-target-directed ligands
  • Cholinesterases inhibitors
  • Cholinesterases reactivators
  • Organic Chemistry


57 publications, 5 patents, 6 invited lectures