Associate Professor (HDR), INSA Rouen Normandy

Fluorinated biomolecules synthesis team


Permanent researcher (Assistant-professor) at CNRS-COBRA laboratory in Rouen, France, Samuel Couve-Bonnaire received his Ph.D. in 2001 under the supervision of Pr. Y. Castanet and J.-F. Carpentier at the Laboratory of Catalysis of Lille, homogeneous section directed by the Pr. A. Mortreux. Then he carried out his postdoctoral studies in Canada in the laboratory of Pr. Prabhat Arya at the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, Ottawa, National Research Council Canada. Back to France, he was post-doctoral researcher with Sanofi-Aventis as industrial partner. Since February 2005, he has been working in the group of “fluorinated biomomecules synthesis” as an assistant professor, in COBRA laboratory. He received his HDR in 2012 from the university of Rouen. His main thematic research deals with fluorinated alkenes, from their synthesis using radical chemistry or organometallic reaction such as C-H bond functionalization, metathesis or cross-coupling reaction, to their application as fluorinated analogues of biorelevant molecules and fluoropeptidomimetics.


  • Fluorinated alkenes
  • Fluoropeptidomimetics
  • Catalysis
  • Metathesis
  • Asymmetric synthesis


49 publications, 9 invited lectures