Sébastien BALIEU

Associate Professor

Chemistry bio-organic team


Permanent researcher at the university Rouen-Normandie at COBRA laboratory in Rouen, France, Sébastien Balieu received his PhD in organic chemistry at the Université de Rennes 1 in 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Bernard Boitrel. After postdoctoral research positions at the University of Reims with Prof. Sandrine Bouquillon and Prof. Arnaud Haudrechy (2009-2011) and at the University Of Bristol (UK) with Prof. Varinder Aggarwal (2012-2013), he has obtained a permanent position the university Rouen-Normandie in 2013. His current research fields in the bio-organic team including the development of new biological probes for the glycerophospholipids..


  • Probe synthesis
  • Photochemistry
  • Fluorophore
  • Photocrosslinker


19 publications, 1 books/book chapters, 2 invited lectures