Tatiana BESSET

CNRS Researcher (HDR)

Fluorinated biomolecules synthesis team


Tatiana Besset obtained her PhD in chemistry (2009) at Grenoble University with Dr. Greene. She then moved to the WWU Münster as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Glorius. In 2011, she joined the group of Prof. Reek at Amsterdam University, as an industrial postdoctoral fellow (Eastman company). Since 2012, she is a CNRS Associate Researcher in the “Fluorinated Biomolecules Synthesis” group at the laboratory COBRA (UMR 6014, Rouen, France). In 2017, she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant (FarCatCH). In 2018, she defended her habilitation, received the CNRS Bronze medal and the “J.-P. Sauvage” prize (SCF). Her research involves the design of new transformations involving transition-metal catalysis (C-H bond activation) and the development of new strategies in organofluorine chemistry.


  • Synthetic Methodologies
  • Organofluorine and Sulfur Chemistry 
  • Homogeneous Catalysis
  • C-H bond activation 
  • Organometallic Chemistry


67 publications, 2 book chapters, 2 patents, 36 invited lectures