CNRS Researcher

Chemistry bio-organic team


Dr. Thibault Gallavardin completed his PhD at ENS de Lyon in 2010, under the supervision of Dr. Andraud and Pr. Parola, on the synthesis of two photon chromophores and the study of the impact of their grafting on gold nanoparticles. Then, he moved as postdoctoral associate to Dr. Dalko group at Paris Descartes for the development of two photon photocages. He joined next Pr. Nonell group at IQS Barcelona for the synthesis of porphycenes, then Pr. Ishow, in Nantes University for the preparation of FON (fluorescent organic nanoparticles). In 2016, he was recruited as CNRS researcher in COBRA laboratory, in Rouen, where he is currently working on the synthesis of heterocycles inspired from pharmaceutical compounds. His aim is to modify their structure to improve their optical properties for biological applications such as fluorescent imaging, protein detection and photodynamic therapy. 


  • Heteroaromatic synthesis
  • Fluorescence imaging
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Nanomaterials


19 publications, 2 books/book chapters, 1 patents.